

Chola is a performance for three woman

Chola is mestiza 

Chola is a clan

Chola is community

Chola is Peruvian

Chola is Mexican

Chola is Chilean

Chola is Andean

Chola is history

Chola is not real

Chola is indigenous 

Chola is connected

Chola stands on a pedestal

Chola is a meditation 

Chola is part of a performance trilogy. Chola is the second one in the trilogy. Chola is a derogatory term used to describe an indigenous Bolivian woman. Cholas have reclaimed the name and made it their’s, empowered by the derogatory term. Chola is in this case is everything. Chola is the unseen now seen indigenous woman. Three woman wear all the collected underwear, tightened around their legs yet remain expressionless and do known poses from women in advertisement. They are standing on logs and switch positions in a triangular movement, releasing one underwear at a time. It ends when all the underwear are released, all stories left strewn around the logs.