
Fruit is a single channel video performance created on June 20, 2003, the day of NyK’s wedding. Fruit is the first video piece NyK created, symbolizing their unending collaboration. nicoykatiushka are both in body casts depending on each other to eat. A specific controversial public area is chosen to shoot each action. Fruit has been shown in several venues such as Monkey Town in Brooklyn, NY, Abington Art Center in Pennsylvania, among others. Fruit has participated in the Visual Arts DVD as well as being reviewed in the Visual Arts Journal, Spring 2006.

Fruit es una video-performance creada el 20 de Junio del 2003, mismo día del matrimonio de NyK, simbolizando el inicio de su fructifera colaboración. Es el primer proyecto colaborativo de NyK y a sido presentado en Brooklyn, Pennsylvania y Santiago de Chile, entre otros. En el video aparecen NyK comiendo frutas con el cuerpo enyesado y dependiendo del otro para comer. Fruit perteneció a la selección 2006 del DVD de la revista Visual Arts Journal.