Generativ 3

Generativ 3 was created in 2004 and debuted at Casino Royale, in Santiago, Chile. Then in 2005 an excerpt was shown in Paris at Sant Anne Hospital. Twenty two balls of light are hung in a perfect circle with two main entries leading towards the center. The lights are being controlled by a multiplexer, which generate loops that condition the movements of the dancers. The set design, lighting, costumes, choreography and sound were all created by NyK. This is nicoykatiushka’s first evening length piece, lasting one hour.

Creado en el año 2004, Generativ 3 debuta en el Casino Royale de Santiago de Chile. Generativ 3 es la primera performance de NyK. Veintidós bolas luminosas cuelgan en un circulo perfecto con dos entradas opuestas. Las luces, controladas con minuciosidad por un multiplexer, generan patrones que condicionan el movimiento de los bailarines. Luz, diseño de vestuario, dirección de arte, coreografía y música creada por NyK. Duración: 1 hora.