Merry Christmas from nicoykatiushka

Merry Christmas from nicoykatiushka is a piece based on Chris Burden’s action in which he sends one hundred 10 USD bills to one hundred people in the art world, half are personal and half are business relations. An alphabetical list was kept starting with Acconci, recording every person’s serial number. nicoykatiushka have intervened this idea by taking a10 RMB bill and stamping the phrase - commonly used in their work - “copyright is the right to copy” and the NK logo. nicoykatiushka selected twenty five people in the art world who have relations with NK and sent them a 10 RMB bill with a greeting card stating “Merry Christmas from nicoykatiushka”. Unlike Chris Burden, nicoykatiushka put one hundred limited edition pieces for sale online for 10 USD each.

Merry Christmas from nicoykatiushka es un “update” a la obra de Chris Burden, Merry Christmas from Chris Burden en donde el artista envía cien billetes de 10 USD a 100 personas relacionadas al mundo del arte. NyK retoman la idea al pie de la letra, esta vez enviando un billete de 10 RMB (10 RMB equivale a 1.33USD) con la frase estampada “copy- right is the right to copy”. Las obras son vendidas online por 10 USD cada una, invirtiendo la dinámica comercial de la obra de Chris Burden.